My Period Friendly Project Volunteer experience!

14 July 2023
Claire is one of our Period Friendly volunteers in Glasgow – this is what she has to say about her experiences

I’ve had some of my happiest moments this year, cycling around Glasgow in the blazing sunshine (ok, sometimes pouring rain!) with a massive backpack that looks really heavy but is as light as a feather, stuffed full of tampons and pads.

Knowing that I’m helping a diverse range of people in Glasgow access clean and safe period products in a dignified way brings me great satisfaction. Better still, I can easily fit this volunteering around my day job, picking up the products from the warehouse between 8am and 6pm and delivering to my points when suits me…often 7pm on my way to dinner in town!

I sometimes imagine a tracker on me and my fellow PFP volunteers zipping around the city, popping in and out of multicultural centres, libraries, gyms, women’s shelters, etc with our stash.

I feel very lucky to be a member of Simon Community Scotland which combines professionalism with a people-centred grassroots approach and have learned a lot through ongoing training and catch-up sessions. There are often fun opportunities to develop the Period Friendly Project e.g. in our recent pants drive and to engage in the other services of Simon Community Scotland.

If you see a person on a bike with a massive backpack who seems to be riding with ease…now you’ll know what we’re carrying!

Claire Low, Period Friendly Volunteer, Glasgow

Scotland became the first country in the world to make it a legal right to access free period products in November 2020

You can find free products at Period Friendly Points which are located in public toilets, providing a safe, clean environment with warm water where people can take care of themselves. Period Points can be found in female, male and accessible toilets throughout the city, providing people with a ‘Period of Dignity’. We’re starting to introduce reusable products to the Project as these products are proving popular and are a cost-effective alternative with huge environmental benefits.

Become a Period Friendly Project Volunteer

Volunteering with us means making an impactful contribution to the lives of others. Joining our passionate, dedicated team of volunteers on this project means you’ll be providing people with the dignity they deserve.

To find out more about volunteering, visit our Volunteering page or get in touch at