‘I Feel Part Of Society’ Report Published Today

24 April 2024
Our new report contains large scale groundbreaking evidence on how the lives of people experiencing homelessness are being positively changed through digital inclusion 

We are absolutely delighted to release our groundbreaking ‘I Feel Part of Society’ report detailing the transformational impact of digital inclusion for people experiencing homelessness.

You can read the online version of our report at; 

Download the ‘I feel part of society’ Report.

Download the ‘I feel part of society’ Executive Summary.

Through our most recent Get Connected project, 500 people accessing homelessness services were connected to the digital world through the Get Connected model.

This model combines: 

  • the provision of a smartphone or tablet, 
  • unlimited data, 
  • support from their own support worker (trained in digital inclusion) 
  • and a learning framework of digital skills.

The impact of digital inclusion through our Get Connected model has been summed up perfectly by a quote from a person supported by the programme: “I feel part of society” which we have used as the title of the report.

Since launching our Get Connected model at Simon Community Scotland in 2020, we have supported over 1,000 people using this approach. 

People we support tell us that this project has changed their lives and makes them feel part of society. The report gives us the opportunity to share some of the stories of people we have supported to get online and stay online. 

Here are just two things people have said to us recently: 

  • ‘It’s been life changing, I feel part of society.’
  •  ‘Being connected has helped me sort many things in my life.’

The reality is, when someone is digitally excluded, so many aspects of life become really difficult and even impossible. However, when people are digitally included through the Get Connected Model many things become easier and possible such as connecting with loved ones, accessing health resources, banking, shopping, learning opportunities and entertainment. We want everyone we support to enjoy these benefits.

 ‘I hope for the day that digital exclusion for people experiencing homelessness is a thing of the past’ Lorraine McGrath, CEO Simon Community Scotland.

Our report illustrates the impact of our work and highlights three key themes:

    • Feeling part of society: When we get digital inclusion right, people feel respected and more connected.
    • People at the heart: Effective digital inclusion keeps people and their real life experiences.
    • Models that work: Demonstrating this model of digital inclusion works.

The report focuses on the people at the heart of our work and demonstrates how life has improved for them using case studies, quotes and statistics.

To accompany the report we will also releasing a series of podcasts in the weeks ahead, allowing the voices of people we have supported to highlight the positive changes that have been possible because of the Get Connected project. 

We would love to hear your thoughts after you have read the report. If you would like to learn more about our work and ways to get involved please get in touch by emailing hello@simonscotland.org 

If you would like a printed copy of the report, please let us know and we can arrange this.